I’d rather be a lightning rod than a seismograph.
Ken Kesey
To move freely you must be deeply rooted.
Bella Lewitzky
Fear is forward…. No one is afraid of yesterday.
Renata Adler
You have your brains, but it’s energy and desire that make you write your book.
James Salter
Have regrets. They are fuel. On the page, they flare into desire.
Geoff Dyer
People do not deserve good writing. They are so pleased with bad.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
A writer should not think he is bad or finished (if a book fails to find a market)….Every failure teaches something. You should have the feeling, as every experienced writer has, that there are more ideas where that one came from and that you are inexhaustible as long as you are alive.
Patricia Highsmith
(from Plotting and Writing Suspense Fiction)
Almost anyone can be an author; the business is to collect money and fame.
A.A. Milne
Though nobody can go back and make a new beginning. Anyone can start over and make a new ending.
Chico Xavier
We improve ourselves by victory over our self. There must be contests, and you must win.
Edward Gibbon